Flyday Fridays: Inside the Vatican

Hello, everyone!

Today, I´ll show you a little about what´s inside The Vatican. By the way, this may be old news to you but  the current Pope, Pope Benedict XVI has just renounced the Ministry of Bishop in Rome, something unexpected for the last 600 years.

Anyway, while I was living in my hot tropical country, I made three vows: one, to visit St, James of Compostela in Spain( which I did twice), second to visit the Holy land (which I´ve yet to do in the future) and third, to visit the Vatican City in Rome. I just did the last one last year while I was an on a week-long Italian tour. It was one of those super fast visit with a tour guide but the images will stay with me for a lifetime.

The Vatican Museum has one of the best art collections in the world and it shows. It was ransacked a lot of times but it withstood the test of time.


If I´m not mistaken, this Greek sculpture of a torso of a man was the model of Michaelangelo´s works. You know those buffed guys, on his paintings and sculptures? Well, dahlings, this is the original inspiration. ;)


The goddess of fertility, this is a pagan goddess but it fits right in the Vatican. :)


This one caught my fancy, the tickle sculpture. ;)


Now let´s proceed to the Sistine Chapel while admiring the corridors´ ceilings:


Ooops, I forgot that photography is FORBIDDEN inside the Sistine Chapel! I couln´t snap even once because the guards keep on shouting¨No Photos!¨ all the time and they mean it!

Anyway, I´m glad that they allow picture taking inside the Saint Peter´s Basilica. This is the ¨Pieta¨. They had to cover this in glass because in the 1970s, a deranged geologist tried to destroy this historic and important sculpture by Michaelangelo. I magine if the guy succeeded in totally smashing this piece, he would have destroyed more than half a millenium of unforgettable art and history!


This is the ceiling of the cupola of the basilica where the main altar is located. It´s impressive and on the ground below the altar is where St. Peter and the rest of the popes are buried.The St. Peter´s Basilica is a church built over other  churches since the 4th century


Lastly, this wasn´t what I wore when I visited The Vatican, this was when I we visited the Catacombs of  Callixto, one of the largest and oldest underground cemeteries in Rome.


The visit to The Vatican was one of my travel highlights in my life and I´m thankful that I did it with the person that I love despite the suffocating heat wave during that time. hahaha!

How about you? Would you visit this place? It´s worth it, I tell yah! :)

Enjoy the weekend.



Unknown said…
i cant wait to someday visit rome! and yes, i cannot wait for spring!
April said…
awwww lucky you! i like your tshirt dress and look comfy chic

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