WIWW: The Shirt Dress

Hi, luvlies!


I´m not the dressy type of gal but shirt dresses? Anytime! This one is my latest, a linen and long back type in brownish green color. One advantage about a neutral color just like this is that you can pair anything with it. So here it is:

But since it´s made of linen, it wrinkles easily and stays for good until the next press/wash. So let´s just treat the messy wrinkles as part of the shirt dress´ style, okies? ;)

shirt dress- Massimo Dutti, shoes- Foreva, necklace- Bershka, bag- from the Philippines
I´m linking up with Style Elixir´s Style Sessions, Kiwi Women Style´s Wardrobe Wednesday and The Pleated Poppy´s What I Wore Wednesday, Vodka Infused Lemonade´s Tres-Chic Fashion Thursday and The penniless Socialite and The Tiny Heart´s Look What I Got Link-Up. Join us! :)

Have a warm Wednesday, all! :)




Inge Jane said…
Love this dress! It looks comfortable and you look great in it!
Michele said…
You look great. Very pretty dress!
renae said…
Oh Che, I love your necklace and your purse so much. Your style I really enjoy! (hug)
Andrea said…
loving your sandals! I've been trying to find the perfect pair for a while haha. in other news, you're totally working that shirt dress :)

Unknown said…
wow you look AMAZING!!!!
So simple, but so beautiful! Love the sandals!
Debbie :)
Unknown said…
Love this shirtdress. So pretty and that necklace is perfect with it.

Thank you so much for linking up. See you next Thursday.


Sherin said…
I love shirt dresses. This one looks great - mazing colour.
Danielle said…
love the dress & necklace!

xx fameliquorlove
Janise said…
I love your bracelets! Thank you for linking up with tres-chic fashion Thursday!

Such a fab outfit!

Thank you for linking up with Style Sessions!

Lauren xx
Love your purse!
Thanks for linking up for Look What I Got. Hope to see you back tomorrow!
Penniless Socialite
Scarf Giveaway

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