At the Spanish Pyrenees

It hasn´t snowed yet in my city and so we climbed up the mountains last week just to see the real thing. I grew up in a tropical country (ya know) and seeing  real ¨ice powder¨ really makes my heart giddy with joy, moreso when I see snow flakes. So anyway, I put on my most casual but not so practical full battle snow gear and travelled 2 hours+ 1, 800 kms. up just to reach the summit of the Spanish-French Border in the Navarre region.

( jeans- H&M, shearling jacket- thrifted, boots- New Yorker, bag- Springfield)

Then the real hair raising adventure began:


If  you´ve watched that very old comedy flick ¨There´s Something About Mary¨, you´ll know what I mean except that I didn´t use that goo, it was the chilly wind , okies? ;)


Here´s a candid shot of me trying to hold the French post. Funnily enough, I had a hard time freeing myself after holding it because the icicles glued my hand to the post! hahaha


So how´s your week? Tomorrow´s the feast of the Three Kings here in Spain. Gotta clean my boots now, who knows the kings might stop at my terrace tonight and grant me my wish. ;)

Til the next post, luvs!



Sherin said…
I love these pictures! I really want some snow now. It's cold here but not cold enough to snow.
Noelle Chantal said…
Beautiful photos!! I wanna go there now!!! Love the layers in your outfit too! :) happy new year!! :)
Laura said…
You look so cute =) I can't imagine that sort of cold. I've lived in the subtropics most of my life so snow has never been much of an option but at least we get hard frosts every now and then...
I agree with Noelle it's beautiful! =)
mispapelicos said…
QuƩ bolso mƔs chulo, Che, ahhhhhhhhhh
y quƩ preciosas fotos.
Unknown said…
Hi Che!
Oh Boy you went a long way to see the snow but i guess for someone born under the tropics it is exciting an different
We get our share of snow and cold here!
I do not mind the snow but the extreme cold i hate,
Funny the hair thing onh your pic


Ariane xxxx

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