Ocean Adventure

Our first morning ( we arrived here in the afternoon via high speed train from Madrid) of the trip was spent here:


Jazz kidding! ;) It was actually right below at the Oceanographic which is just beside that blue thingy above. I´ll be showing you lots of photos to compensate for my lackluster outfit which you can find at the bottom of the page. Ooops, don´t just scroll down there yet! I promise, my animal photos are much better than what I wore on this day. ;)


An hermit crab. I guess he must have been bored and so he came out of this shell and said Hi! to me. :)


On the other side of the park where the sharks. Don´t you know that they´re offering a night´s stay here to sleep with the sharks? Would you dare?


A pair of walruses.Too bad I only get to shoot their backs, you would´ve seen how long they´re tusks were. So National Geographic but slightly tame. ;)


On the same same sala was this beluga or white whale. Unlike most whales, it is capable of swimming backwards like dolphins. At first I thought it was a dolphin but no it wasn´t. It´s so white and is so graceful when she glides. I was mesmerized and spent half my of stay here trying to capture this photo because she was swimming so fast!


On the grounds were these exotic colored birds which you can´t  see, hahaha! inside this gigantic metallic cage. There was a long line to get inside this cage and see the birds. Since I got tired of waiting, I went to see the dolphins instead.


My visit ended with the dolphins. It was a good show, the dolphins were very entertaining. Aside from doing the usual flips and flops, head rolling and flapping around they also rock and rolled. Literally!


Finally, here´s the outift part. I didn´t plan well for this trip and so I just dress super casual. With a stripey candy colored top, red pants( I´ve finally found one!) and a military jacket.

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( stripe top- H&M, pants- Promod, army jacket- thrifted)

So there goes my Ocean Adventure and if you haven´t guessed where I´ve been, it´s Valencia, Spain, darlings! ;)

So were did you hang around last weekend?

Warm hugs!



Sherin said…
I love water parks. They're my favourite places. I've always wanted to go swimming with dolphins, and the crab is so cute.
Ms. Falcon said…
looks like a great day!

love your colourful look.

Looks like fun! =)

L1L2 said…
oo... the dolphins look so fun! and what a fun acqua day:)

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