Hot Choco

What happens when the weather suddenly turns wintery from summery? A double dose of hot choco and most importantly, a drastic wardrobe change. So this was how my Saturday went. From open neck to turtleneck, in just one day.


It´s been a while since I wore this pair of shoes. What´s not to love about this choco browns?  It has a vintagey design which I find appealing and it´s the second of the only two pairs of shoes the  hubz bought me. I remember how I ¨acquired¨  these four years ago. One autumn afternoon, when the hubz came home from work, I dragged him to the shoe store downstairs ( because we lived uptairs and yep, we´re that lucky) and pointed them to him in my broken Spanish. Today, even if I´d convince him in my near-perfect Spanish to buy shoes for me again, he´d balk because my shoes have suddenly multiplied exponentially  after buying this pair. hahaha!


By the way, I´m wearing mix prints! I feel so IN right now. ;) Can you tell? ;)
( turtleneck- Mango, belt- Lefties, skirt- New Yorker)

So after  a weekend of endless hot choco, turtlenecks and scarves, we´re back to being summery again. Isn´t the weather just... fussynating?

So how´s your weekend?




Lovely skirt!

Love how you mixed your prints! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog a while back! Visit again soon!
hi Che, im getting more and more shoes too lately. that shoes look so comfy.
Sherin said…
Those shoes really are gorgeous. I really love your skirt as well.
Cherie said…
yey for mixed prints! love the leopard print and the weaved belt details :) hihi it's such a funny anecdote naman with your husband about shoes!
SunnyToast said…
Love your skirt! Yes I agree animal print is hot!

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