My Orange Peel

Hello, hello!

Nothing much to show you except for this piece of lovely pink thing which I´ve scored at 50% off recently. Is that a good deal or not? ;) Now all I need to do is to eat less and sensibly( meaning good bye chocolates and ice cream, huhuhu!), exercise more ( would climbing the stairs up to the 6th  floor 2x a week count?) and buy tubs of those fat burner creams that they are selling nowadays (do they really work?) because I think I´m seeing the dreaded ¨orange peel¨ on my legs. Eeew!

OR, I could wear tights under this shorts ( perfect for those chilly days) and/or I could wear a colorful top too!  See?  Aren´t you distracted by the flowers that I´m wearing on my back right now? Good thing you´ll never see my ¨orange peel¨ because I´m here and you´re over there. Bwahahaha!

Seriously (looking at you right now with a straight face), what have you scored nowadays? ;)


top- Lefties
floral cardi- H&M
pink cuffed shorts- Bershka

Enjoy your weekend, luvs!




Leia said…
Very cute shorts! :)

Laura said…
Oh man I LOVE your pink shorts!!!!!!!! Pairing them with that floral top totally works.
I went to the 1/2 off thrift sales the other day and got a couple of amazing maxi's and the perfect denim dress.
Style Journey said…
Very cute shorts! And I really like how you paired navy blue with the pink shorts.
Jing Ocay said…
Te che! i love the colors fresh.color blocking,;)
Cherie said…
i love the color, it's perfect for any season! i dread the "orange peel" too, share which creAms work ate che!
Natalie said…
i love when i get 50% off things!! i love the cardigan
hazel said…
cute color combination :) and i love that floral cardi!
I love your shorts! <3 They are such a pretty colour!

Lost in the Haze
stylenuggets said…
No way is there any orange peel on your legs. Btw they are looking good in these shorts.
vitaMinn style said…
Oh my goodness, I can so relate to this topic. For the very first time ever in my whole life on earth, I had nasty orange peels around my upper thigh! It happened so fast, coz I ate bagel every single morning for almost 1 month sometime early this year. Argh, argh argh!!

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