WIWW: Silver and Gray, Yellow and White


2014-07-20 13.45.23

I´m on minimalist mode today. Don´t get me wrong, I love a colorful printed outfit but there must be something wrong with me these days to not stop wearing neutrals. Must be the heat or must be because I´ve become lazy( because of the heat... again) to wear prints that I can´t be bothered all ---- BUT at least I accessorize with a bold color, just look at my clutch! ;)

2014-07-20 13.45.36

Anyway, I think I´m warming up to this crop top trend.Whenever I try this trend in the dressing room, I look weird because I really don´t have a flat tummy to flaunt speak of  and I always wear pants when trying it. But then one day, I tried it with a high waisted circle skirt, et voila, I think this top has found it´s calling. I bought white because it matches with everything and paired it first with gray because I´m a safe dresser like that, hehe.

2014-07-20 13.45.28

So hey, a skater skirt + crop top combination? Looks good to me. Why don´t you try it! ;)

2014-07-20 13.45.40
2014-07-20 13.45.44
top(on sale)- Zara, skirt(on sale)- Stradivarius, shoes- Zendra, clutch(AW13 sale)- Zara
This afternoon I´m going to have my first fish spa, a surprise gift from my darling hubz. I´ve read some news that this maybe isn´t safe, now I´m having doubts whether to go or not. We´ll see...

In the meantime, enjoy the midweek, dahlings! :)



PS: Linking up with Lauren, Lindsey, Alison, Shanna, Agi, Tara and Sharon. Join us!


I love those colors together so I am super-loving this outfit. Plus you look great in a short full skirt, always. The clutch is so pretty.

I am wearing Black, White & Yellow as I type this. =D Great minds think alike, Che! =)
Moudy said…
Wow your clutch simply catch my attention at a glance. Lovely!

modimelodi | A blog by Moudy
Perfect outfit. That top looks great on you and is perfect with that skirt. Love the clutch as a pop of color.
Doused In Pink said…
Such a perfect outfit! Love the pop of yellow!

Unknown said…
Have fun at the spa! That yellow clutch is so fantastic!

Come link up at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday! themummychronicles.com
Anonymous said…
Wonderful look, love the clutch <3
Inge Jane said…
I'm always a fan of a neutral look, but I love the bright pop of the clutch!
I love that pop of color! You look very chic. I found you through Pleated Poppy. I'd love it if you stopped by my blog sometime :)
I really get in the mood for neutrals or black after I wear alot of color. You look great, love the olive shorts and the pop of bright yellow
from the link up, jess
please stop by
Unknown said…
I just bought that EXACT SAME TOP at ZARA!!! What a great deal and I love how you've styled in here. I think going against the grain is pretty cool, you don't feel like wearing bold florals...then DON'T. Besides this ensemble looks so classy and fresh that you look amazing just the same.
Unknown said…
Have a great time at the spa! I love this neutral look and the clutch is the perfect pop of color!

Nicole to the Nines
Unknown said…
That outfit is not minimalist to me at all! GORG, GORG, and that clutch...yeah, I need that in my life seriously. LOVE it. And...exactly what is a fish spa?

Thrifting Diva
Sherin said…
I love how the bright bag really makes the whole look stand out so much.
My New Happy said…
Really cute outfit. Love the skirt on you, and the purse makes it pop!
Kelsey Bang said…
this outfit is so darling! I love the cute clutch! perfect pop of color! great look!

Madaline said…
I absolutely love the crop top paired with a high waist skirt. These colors look amazing on you. I think I'm going to try the crop top look! Now to find the perfect skirt...
Haley Brianna said…
I am lovin' this outfit on you! That pop of yellow is perfect! Found you through the link-up!

Haley Brianna said…
I am lovin' this outfit on you! That pop of yellow is perfect! Found you through the link-up!

Jennie said…
I love a good neutral look and you have pulled this one off beautifully! The pop of yellow was genius! Love it. :)

Adanna said…
I love this look! Super cute!Especially the yellow clutch.

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