Go, Tiger!
Hello, lovelies! So how´s your weekend going? My Saturday was spent watching Prince of Persia in the theater surrounded by giggling teenagers. The hubz was complaining that this was what we got for watching a Walt Disney movie. He doesn´t like watching movies, I only drag him there because it´s part of our anniversary date. hahaha! Later, after visiting the MIL, I watched Eurovision. Spain´s Daniel Diges got to perform twice because somebody decided to join in and became an instant back-up dancer in the middle of the show. Talk about spontaneity. hihihi! Not being biased ( and not because Daniel´s cute and bedimpled), I was rooting for Spain´s song. It´s actually different. Too bad, not everybody in Europe understood the lyrics though which I think is a minus point because majority of the performers sang in English. top- Pull&Bear rings and bracelets - local stores, wedges - Pull&Bear black jeggings(old )- Stradivarius ...