The Shortie Edition (Sea Crush)

Hi there!

This week it´s nothing but short posts about shorts. I´m not really a ¨dress  kind of girl. I´d always prefer shorts or a skirt over a dress on any given summer day. So if you´ll see nothing on my posts this week except shorts, don´t say that I didn´t warn you. ;)

( top- Sfera, shorts- Bershka, necklace- Massimo Dutti, bangle- H&M, sandals- Zara)


On another note, did the `star fish´ bug catch you already? I´ve been seeing star fish and other marine inspired accessories lately especially the cuffs at the start of summer. Don´t get me wrong, I love the cuff but doesn´t the necklace look better? ;)

Enjoy your Monday!



TaraMixandMatch said…
Love your stripes and that adorable necklace!
Genie said…
I love the nautical feel of this outfit, and no I've yet to purchase a starfish for my body but I have invested in an octopus ring, which looks pretty cool.

Unknown said…
Love the colors and the starfish necklace <3 tho I do prefer cuffs but this still is gorgeous haha
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Sabrilett's Armoire
Gorgeous necklace!

Bravoe Runway said…
I love the stripes and the bright colours! Also, the jewelry is fab.
Mica said…
Really like the shorts with the striped top :)
Sarah Lewis said…
Gorgeous outfit ! I love the stripes of your top !
I would love it if you could come see my blog one of these days and tell me what you think :)


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