Monday Remix: Minty Ballerinas and the Gray Denim Jacket

Good morning, friends!


I´m done with the yellow-silver/gray phase for now although I´m still stuck with gray(lol!), this time in the form of a short gray denim jacket. I changed the yellow for some mint colored  ballerinas for a change. ;)

2014-05-24 20.11.08
2014-05-24 20.11.05

Do you like the new backdrop? I´m kinda tired of showing you the wooden bridge  at the back of my place and the very old church where we usually go to as my backdrop for my photos and so last week, I asked the hubz to take me to the other barrio and voila, I found these at the park! Nice change, indeed. :)

Salburua - copia

I scored  this  two-tone mint green ballerinas in the summer sales last year. It was the last pair and in my size( which is very hard to find in Spain) and so I grabbed it without blinking twice and thought about wearing it on the first day of spring. Then I totally forgot about them until I did another spring cleaning last weekened.

salburua-2 copia
2014-05-24 20.12.01
top- Promod, jeans- H&M, denim jacket- Zara, ballerinas- Ulanka
Here are two ways I wore the gray denim jacket, all with pants. I really need to wear this with a skirt and a dress!


So how´s your weekend? Mine was rainy and cold. I stayed bumming in our flat the whole weekend except for a post wedding anniversary lunch which we had at my favorite pastryshop-restarant last Saturday.

Here´s to another whole week to all of us!

Hasta luego!


PS: Linking up with Not Dead Yet Style´s Visible Monday, Still Being Molly´s Funday Monday, The Style Record´s Monday Must Haves and Fizz and Frosting´s Mix It Mondays, Paige´s Stylish Tuesday, Style Elixir´s Style Sessions and Laura´s Trend Spin. Come and join us! :)


Patti said…
Yes to those flats - they really pop your look! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.
Love the flats and your grey jacket is very nice. I love the cut on it.
Please drop by,
from the link up, jess
Just Mi! said…
I'm loving that denim jacket! I tried on a few slant zipper jackets this past winter, but none of them fit me quite like that one fits you! I'm still going to keep my eye out for one!
Inge Jane said…
Those flats are cute. Love the background for your photos!
renae said…
Che, I love that jacket. Gray or washed out denim is always a great classic. Glad you had a nice lunch out with the anniversary man. lol
♥, Renae
Darcy said…
Lovin' those shoes!
Theboxqueen said…
I love the jacket and I think mint is such a gorgeous color- really pretty choice to go with your casual chic outfit :) I think like you mentioned you should try the jacket with a cute skirt, it'll be super adorable <3 XOXO, Elif
Nikki said…
Those minty green flats are so pretty! I love the pop of color and your new backdrop is cool - I love discovering new places to take photos :)
Nikki at
Jennie said…
Super cute outfit! I especially love your mint flats, they add such a nice pop.

I think those flats came back into your life at just the perfect time! I love the pop of colour and interest they add to your outfit.
Style Stun said…
Love this look! soo cute!
Unknown said…
I'm obsessed with this jacket! Love the casual look!

Jenna from Visions of Vogue
Unknown said…
I'm obsessed with this jacket! Love the casual look!

Jenna from Visions of Vogue
Unknown said…
You look completely fabulous in this very cool jacket. It really is a neat one, and dresses up the genre a lot. Cute with everything.
Pretty minty shoes!
Showing shoes off in photos is sometimes difficult, isn't it. I get stuck in my one pose because I like to show off the shoe back and side ... I'm just going to throw in a shoe shot like I used to. Good reminder.

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