Flyday Fridays: Chambray and Black( Again)

Hi, everyone!

2014-06-22 20.14.16

Can you believe that  we´re on the last days of June, where did the first half of the year go? Time really flies so fast we have to make the most of it everyday. And I haven´t done much yet, oh geee!

2014-06-22 20.21.43

Anyway, here´s another basic look for you today. There´s nothing more basic than a chambray top and dark jeans. I know this is lame, hahaha! I´d love to wear white all summer but I´m a clumsy white wearer most of the time so chambray is the best alternative for me to survive the day without having to fret if I stained my white outfit or not. This is my favorite go-to look when I have nothing to wear, that´s why I stock up on chambray tops. ;)

2014-06-22 20.14.12
2014-06-22 20.14.01
2014-06-22 20.21.34

I´m so excited because we´ll be going on a trip to the northern side of France this weekend. It´s been four years since we last visited that part of France. I will tell you how it´ll go soon and I hope it doesn´t rain so much there because there´s nothing here but thunderstorms and hail in the afternoons. In the meantime, here´s another blooper shot to make your day! ;)

2014-06-22 20.13.59
top- Promod, jeans- Zara, bag- Bimba&Lola
Ciao for now and have a fun weekend ahead!



PS: Linking up with Lauren, Renae, Lena B and Rachel and Tara. Link with us!


You have the most fun chambray shirts and those flats are adorable.

Enjoy the weekend Che!!
Shannon Jenkins said…
Loving the chambray and that bag is too cute!!

<3 Shannon
Inge Jane said…
A chambray with dark jeans is my favorite look too! It's so easy but put-together at the same time!
This is one awesome the detailing! And yes TIME IS SOOOOO FLYING BY!

Anonymous said…
Beautiful and chic <3
Love the chambray so versatile, and your shoes are cute
co host from the link up, jess
please stop by
Theboxqueen said…
I have the same feeling, where did June and rest of the year went? :) I think chambray is always in and never boring. You look very casually chic with yours. Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful. I love France. Have a wonderful Friday, XOXO, Elif
Unknown said…
Love the pictures. U look so cute my love *_*

Have a great week,


ps. My latest tavel post - Koala Sanctuary Park
Unknown said…
Love the denim and the bag! xo Andrea
Boho Bunnie

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