Anything Goes Monday: The Christmas Countdown

It´s exactly nine days before Christmas as I post this!

In here, I know that Christmas is just around the corner when:

1. You see caganers(caganets in Spanish) in all of the knick knack stores and Christmas street fairs in Catalonia. Yep, the Catalonians have a weird sense of humor tradition and don´t ask me what a caganer means but you can read about it here. ;)


2. Aside from Christmas trees, you can also see the ¨belen¨ aka the Christmas Village (Spanish style) in most Spanish homes and in stores. The bigger and more elaborate( meaning the figurines move) the better it is and they are the biggest crowd drawer for children and oldies alike!


Every figurine in this Nativity scene moves and they´re quite mesmerizing to watch.


3. The shopping bags. I think they're ubiquitous during this time of the year and you see them in almost every arm of every one you meet on the street! Here´s mine for a friend and I was juggling this while visiting the port of Vilanova in Barcelona all day long, hahaha!

coat, boots- Mango, plaid shirt, jeans, bag- Zara , necklace- Primark

So how are you doing with your Christmas countdown? ;)



PS: Linking up with Still being Molly´s Funday Monday and Not Dead Yet Style´s Visible Monday. Join us! :)


Patti said…
I really enjoy the pics of the little "villages". Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, you look great in plaid!
Janise said…
I miss Barcelona! Lucky you!!! We will be visiting family for Christmas so it will be very exciting for us!

renae said…
hi Che! Great to hear from you! You are so fun. Yes, that is snow in my back yard and it is great for fun wintery photo-shoots if the temps are not too bad, which they were. (no wind helps. lol)
enjoyed the villages pics :)

wish you merry christmas :)
TheTinyHeart said…
I hadn't heard of caganers before but they are really neat! Interesting learning about how other cultures celebrate the holidays. :)

The Tiny Heart
Necklace Giveaway!
Unknown said…
Well ... that was unusual! Learn something new every day, yes?
I love you casual shirt and statement necklace with jeans and jacket ... that's a modern take on casual easy-chic! How fun would it be to travel and buy a statement necklace in every city or country you stopped in?
Not going to lie, those little figures in the first pic are kind of cute, kind of real creepy ... ;o)

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