The Painted Forest

Hi there from the woodlands! ;)


I can´t believe that I walked 2.4 kms. and climbed 500 meters ( in sandals and mini skirt) just to see this forest filled with colored painted eyes, dots, stripes and everything in-between. Okay fine, I was throwing dagger looks at my tour guide aka the hubz for not telling me sooner that it´s going to be an almost 3-km trek with a steep and very rough road on the last 500 meters. Good thing my sandals survived in one piece until the top. Whew! If not, I´d go ballistic( which I already did on the first 1 km under the hot afternoon sun) again. I almost gave up actually at the foot of the forest just when my very lanky husband seriously offered me a piggyback ride up to the top. The thought iself was so funny that it made me continue climbing while laughing at the same time. Unknowingly, I reached the top! Here´s how some of the painted trees look like:



My trekking outfit and dirty feet, hahaha!

P1160701 - copia

And a little bit more:



top- Sfera, skirt- New Yorker, bag- from Morocco, bracelets- H&M, local store

Where: El Bosque Pintado(Oma, Vizcaya, PaĆ­s Vasco)

These were just some of the photos which I took late in the afternoon and so excuse the poor quality. All trees in this area were painted by the famous Spanish Basque artist Agustin Ibarrola. The whole work was colorful, playful and quirky. Worth the trek but next time I´ll defintely wear a sturdy pair of walking shoes. ;)

So what have you been doing lately?



PS: This was a scheduled post just before I went to Italy. I´m posting this now because it´s getting stale and we don´t want that, don´t we?;)


Jing Ocay said…
kasexy sa ngtrekking oi.hehe!
ang sweet naman te che na your hubby offered you a piggy back ride. di jud na buhaton ni jonathan sako ba.bugat daw ko.hahahaha
so sexy the skirt! :D
Bravoe Runway said…
I am impressed you made the trek in those flipflops! Job well done.
Kat said…
wow these trees are so awesome!!! :D amazing photos :)
Laura said…
Sooooooooo Cool!!!! I would love to go there in real life it's so rad! It's like tree murals <3 I really enjoyed looking over your previous posts it looks like Italy is a lot of fun!
You've been very brave to finish this trek with beach shoes... Good memories !
Sherin said…
Gorgeous pictures. Looks like an amazing hike.
Unknown said…
Hi dear, thanks for following my blog. Just followed you back :)
btw, what a nice place! this reminds me of a similar man-made forest back home
Unknown said…
I can't believe you went hiking and climbing in flip flops!! What we girls would do to look good doing anything hehe!! PS. I'd love it if you could come visit my blog and follow me if you like it!! :)


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