Monday Remix: White, Mint and Boucle

Good morning, everyone!

So I´ve been gone a really, really long time. My school ordeal´s almost over, just one more week and I can blog as much as I can, promise! ;)

Remember when I told you that I´m going to make a lot of wear of this white pair of jeans? Well, here´s the first combo:

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When we took these photos, it was quite chilly albeit very sunny and so I was wore a boucle jacket (which I bought from the sales years ago) with my mint green sweater and jeans.

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Yes, I was still wearing a sweater because these pics were taken like two months ago and I´m in sandals most of these days, hahaha!

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jacket(old)- Blanco Suite, jeans- Zara, clutch(summer sales 2014)- Stradivarius

So how did your weekend go? Mine was hectic as usal with exams and project presentations preparation. Can´t wait to finish this year, whew!




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