Flyday Fridays: Scarf Season

Helooo, hellooo!

So yeah, it´s scarf season again, my dears!

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Although I collect scarves, I hardly ever wear one except when I´m on the train and trying to get some sleep( scarf as a mini pillow=cool, hahaha!). But scarves are really outfit game changers because they can make or break an outfit just like your bag and shoes.

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I snatched this colorful number from the Zara sales last summer thinking about wearing it this season although I´ve already debuted this a few months ago when the weather went chilly on us. Today, I saw this again and promisde to wear it more often because what´s the use of collecting something when you don´t wear it, right? Right!

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top- Mango, scarf, jeans(very old)- Zara, tote bag- Purificación García, flats- Aldo

Have a lovely weekend ahead and oh, are your pumpkins ready? We don´t have that tradition here in Spain although everybody´s out on a mini-vacay( us included) because it´s gonna be a long weekened ahead.



PS: Linking up with Rachel and Posh Calssy Mom. Join us!


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