WIWW: Train Outfit

Good morning, dahlings!

I´m still in the middle of my road trip looking for volcanoes( don´t worry, they´re extinct) and old monasteries in the middle of nowhere. :)

In the meantime, here´s a train outfit which I´m showing you today when we went to the eastern part of Spain two weeks ago:

2015-08-04 15.46.20

Our trip consisted of three train rides from my place --> Madrid -->Valencia --> Castellón de la Plana( final destination) and so a comfortable outfit is a MUST to survive the three train transfers plus a mini bus ride to the other terminal in Valencia, Spain. I also ¨broke in¨  this red leather handbag which I bought in the La Roza Village  Outlet in Madrid a month ago. I´m loyal to Spanish brands ( maybe beacuse I live in Spain and they´re accessible to where I live) and when I satrt collecting I just can´t stop. It´s sad to say though that Bimba y Lola, stopped using the greyhound logo and so this bag is an ode to the old logo of the brand which I so loved dearly.

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2015-08-04 18.36.47
bag and bracelet- Bimba&Lola
As for what I wore, it´s a combination of a top, jeans and flat sandals for comfort when changing from one train to another. You know me, I live in flats. Heels are for ¨car to chair occasions¨ which only require minimun walking. ;)

2015-08-04 20.04.19
2015-08-04 20.03.14
checkered top(sale 2015) and jeans- Zara, sandals- Massimo Dutti
I usually wear something like this too when I travel on planes. So what´s your travel outfit?




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