Monday Remix: White and Blue Jeans

Hola, hola!

2014-04-17 11.26.57

There´s nothing to describe about what I wore today. Just the basics, ya know. Blue jeans + white button down + large tote + flats = minimalist.

2014-04-17 11.27.06

The hubz took these photos in just two clicks. I´m serious! Can´t you see that I only have one pose with my teeth showing and not? Okay, I´m getting loca, enough of this. #whenyouhaven´t got anything towritejuststop

2014-04-17 11.27.01
button down- H&M, jeans(old)- Zara, tote(old)- Misako

I´m loving this minimalist phase of my outfit adventure, no fuss and not crass. Happy me!

Ways I´ve worn this pair blue jeans:



Happy Monday, luvs!



PS: Linking up with Still being Molly´s Funday Monday, Fizz and Frosting´s Mix It Mondays, Style Elixir´s Style Sessions and Laura´s Trend Spin. Join us!


Mica said…
White shirt and jeans is such a classic simple outfit :)

Away From Blue
No fuss outfits can definitely be the best! I really like this classic combo!
You have created so many awesome looks with your jeans that fit you perfectly. I love the two outfits on the bottom row and the one with the bright pink top. =)
April said…
great content in showing many ways in styling your blue jeans and oh I LOVE YOUR TOTE !
Unknown said…
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've been feeling strange even wearing my rings ... which I ALWAYS add to an outfit. Minimal indeed.
White shirt, excellent jeans, neutral and very classy tote and little flats. Perfect.
I like the one with the teeth, BTW!
Unknown said…
Even though it's a minimalist look, you wear it very nicely Che!

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