Food Weekened: My Andalusian Meal

Hello, all!

Most hotels usually offer breakfast buffets (sometimes at exhorbitant prices) but since we usually have a light breakfast to start our day, we have it at a nearby cafe or bar. Here´s what we had in Andalusia:

Mollete sandwich +freshly squeezed orange juice + coffee/tea -mollete is a type of flat bread which is usually toasted to make it crusty on the outside but chewy and smooth to the bite inside. To make the perfect sandwich, it´s slathered with extra virgin olive oil+ a slice of tomato and lots of jamon serrano slices. A simple mollete sandwich consist of  just the bread and slices of jamon serrano only.


Our lunch in Cádiz consisted of:

breaded squid rings as starters


and seafood paella as the main dish. It´s perfect with a bottle of cold  beer or glass of cold dry sherry too! In summer, I´d have this with  sangría which isn´t just common in the south but in all of Spain. :)


Dinner is usually light when we travel, we had:

chocos en pimenton y aceite de oliva ( cuttlefish in paprika and olive oil)


or just plain pan-grilled in olive oil with a serving of salad


and here´s something exotic tasting but very delicious, croquettes made up of the meat of a bull´s tail. Yep, you read that right, meat from a bull´s tail. It has quite a strong taste but so yummy and only from the south of Spain. ;)


We´re usually full after dinner so we don´t usually eat dessert but that doesn´t stop me from having a scoop or two of ice-cream when we roam around. Mmmmm!


So that´s it. Now you know, what to order when you get stranded in the south of Spain. ;)

So what´s for lunch/dinner tonight?




Anonymous said…
How fun to taste such exotic dishes! That's so cute that you had a scoop of good old Ben and Jerry's for dessert! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness! I've never heard of Andalusian meal before, looks like something you'd see often, but the ingredients are different. xx
Anonymous said…
Looks so yummy! Now i need to try indonesian food :)

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