
Showing posts from April, 2010

Pink Cravings

SJP up and about doing her things in New York. I don´t know which I want the most, the LV bag or the Louboutin. What about you? ;)

Going Funky Tribal

Happy mid-week, dahlings! To liven things up because this is a fashion blog after all, presenting my latest and   never been seen here find: bangle set - Blanco Just what I needed to go tribal this summer! ;) In the meantime, allow me to share with you some of  the hubz ¨encouraging¨ lines to me during Mr. CP´s visit. By the way, Mr. CP isn´t leaving yet but I think he´s getting bored and tired staying in my place. ;) Second day (with red spots and small blotches): You look strangely beautiful . Third day (more red spots and bigger blotches): You still look strangely beautiful! Fourth day (Mr. CP is full blown and really bad this time): Wow, you look like a monster! Don´t worry , you´ll recover from it soon. ( with a sheepish grin) Today : Well... it´ll go away soon... I wonder what the hubz will say to me tomorrow but he´s kinda sweet telling me that I still look pretty. The thing is, my skin an...


Hello, hello!!! I want to thank everyone for your sweet messages and advises on the last post. I greatly appreciate all of them. Right now I look like hell ( well, almost) but life must go on. ;) While browsing through my summer 2009 photos, I found these: paisley shirt dress - Blanco lucite bangle(old) - local Spanish store, rice pearls - bazaar (Phils.) Looks like the clog trend will be staying with us for a while.  red clogs ( ¨bakya¨ in Filipino) - old , Sote ( Phil. brand) While everyone wants those typical mule-types with vertiginous heels, I prefer mine open-toed and a just a few inches tall. I love sashaying on  the sidewalk without worrying that I might slip while making that obvious clacking sound. That for me is my clog. ;) red-corral  bangles - bazaar, Phils Just reminiscing how  fresh-looking I was and how my skin looked like before Mr. CP decided to change my skin...

La Peste Negra

Hi, everyone! Looks like this is going to be my last outfit post for now because my body and my face (huhuhu!) is all red and blotchy. The dreaded ¨chicken pox¨has finally caught me and these little monsters just keep on growing on me literally. Eeeew! long cardigan - Lefties paisley top - Blanco , bondage skirt- Stradivarius ballerina flats - H&M Photos were taken in Pamplona  (Spain). If you´re interested about the world famous Bull Runs , then the most famous of them all is celebrated here. This city was Ernest Hewingway´s fave in Spain. Will talk about the Bull Runs in my travel blog soon. In the meantime, allow me to disappear and heal my wounds. No more clear skin for now. Waaaaah! Adios, my dahlings! Che

Spring Dressing

Soon I´ll be wearing a dress and will walk amongst the flowers. Yikes, I´m so excited beacause because the weather´s been good, really good these days! dress - local Spanish store rice pearls- bazaar, Phils. shell bangles - H&M bangles - H&M Time to get rid of   lessen this muffin top in the middle so that I won´t be looking like preggers when I´m wearing this dress. ;) On another note, almost all international airports in Europe are in pandemonium for almost a week now because of that Icelandic volcano whose name  no one can really pronounce correctly save for those people living in Iceland. Repeat after me: Eyjafjallajokull. Boy, aren´t we glad that we don´t have the budget  to travel right now? For those who are stranded, good luck to you guys and may you have a safe trip back home. Have a beautiful day, lovelies! Che

Lemony Yellow

The best thing about a sunny day in a still cold place is the traveling , a lemony colored top... v-neck top - Zara , pants - Guess and lots of shiny, colored things thrown in in-between. multi - colored pearls - bazaar, Phils. ring for spring - Bjou Brigette champagne colored pearls - bazaar, Phils. Gone visiting places in  Burgos(Spain). I admit, these two, well-dressed  musicians and I complement each other. ;) jacket - Zara TRF, bag - Zara  (bought from the summer sales last year) Since the wind blows from the cold northeast, a floral scarf is rightfully needed for the chill factor . scarf - from a traveling store last year If green is life, yellow is joy and warmth. It´s one of the best perk-me -up colors in the world! Can´t wait for those days where I can wear a skirt or a summer dress.Soon maybe... when it´s not too cold. Happy Monday, fashionistas! Che

Dressing Denim

If some of you have already been reading my travel blog since early last year, chances are you might have already seen this dress. I´m re -posting the photos here ( I know, so unoriginal, hahaha!) to talk about the latest denim craze. tube denim - Lefties This is a charcoal- grey colored tube denim which I bought in the summer sales last year. If this year is all about chambray and medium washes, well, last year was all about charcoal grey and much darker washes. Sometimes I wonder if these things are really trends that you can dispose of readily at the end of the season or things that you should probably keep inside your closet for a long time. What d´yah think? ;) pearl necklace - bazaar, Phils, belt - Lefties, shell bangles - H&M gray wedges - Pull&Bear I had that face because the top´s a little loose and I had to pull it up. hehe! Nevermind the awkward  crisscrossing of the legs, my early months into ¨self-photography¨. lol! Origin...

Floral Top

This was what I wore on my 3rd chilly day in Paris while visiting the Sainte Chapelle. moto jacket - local Spanish store, shawl turned scarf ( because I forgot to bring one, hehe!)- Greenhills, Phils floral top and necklace - Mango I like this top because it´s so light and flowy. Perfect too for those bloated days. You´ll be seeing more of this top in the next few days. ballerinas - H&M  Pardon the crappy photos. It´s hard to be photogenic and cute when your bloated and your hair decides to go on strike. What´s more, the photographer is 9 ins. taller than you, the lights are dim and the camera is a bit low tech. I´m not complaining much (or am I?lol ), at least my photographer was willing and the camera is small and light and fits perfectly inside my bag. Photos of the place here . Take a peek, the place is fab. Gothic fab! Hugs, Che

Rose Quartz

If you´ve been wondering why I´m still wearing long-sleeved knits, it´s because the weather´s gone back to being chilly here this week. I´m not complaining, it´s much better than having a terribly hot weather which I know some of you might be experiencing right now. I bought this rose quartz pendant at a train station in Madrid. It was a random buy while waiting for the train. I loved how this pendant looks and so I bought almost all the stones in different colors. The price is so right too! Meaning cheap. ;) Wearing: knitted top - Promod pants - Berhska lace camisole - Mango How about you? Do you do random buys while waiting for your ride somewhere? Kisses from here, Che

Yellow Serpentine

I never liked things that wiggle and squirm. A  hissing sound chills my spine, even if only in my dreams. Don´t you know that dreaming about snakes means that somebody is ¨stabbing you at the back¨ ? But looking at this 2nd century BC gold snake jewelry collection makes snakes nice to look at and wear after all. ;) These are treasures from  Le Louvre from ancient Egypt and Crete. You see, nothing in fashion is original. Fashion may evolve but it always repeats itself. ;) Casual outfit while visiting Le Louvre. So how´s your weekend, dahlings? :) xoxo, Che

Ladurée and The Medallions

While oggling these at the Louvre, 17th century medallions (bejewelled) and enamel painted I was imagining this at the same time. Can´t help but think and drool on these... The caramel and salted butter, citron and pistachio is a must but you can try all flavors! ;) They´re soft, chewy, yummy and they melt in your mouth. Haay! Even my sweeth tooth hubz agrees with me, totally. The not so nice thing is, they don´t come cheap. A small piece costs 1.50 euros . So I bought 100 grams ( 7.50 euros for 6 pieces , not bad at all!) Since I´m cheap(hehe!), I didn´t buy the box. A small box with 6 pieces of small macarons costs twice. The nicer and bigger the box, the higher the price. I just wanted to taste the macarons. Maybe next time I´ll buy the box too, to keep my loose buttons. ;) This is the Ladurée store at 75, Avenue des Champs Elysées . Go by the side door for your fill of French macarons. I waited about 15-20 minutes to get my mini-orde...

The Poncho

My first two days in Paris were nothing but dark clouds and heavy downpours with just a few of blue heaven in-between. Photo taken at the  Galerie des Glaces  (Hall of Mirrors) in the Palace of Versailles, the most beautiful room in the palace. I was expecting this palace to be spectacular but it was all  hype. Well maybe because I´ve seen lots of well preserved royal palaces in Spain. The good thing is, I can take pictures inside even if it´s forbidden. A lmost everybody´s doing it, I swear! The Louis Vuitton flagship store in Champs Elysses.There was a line filled with Asian tourists at the store entrance with a store attendant wearing a LV orange scarf watching them like a hawk. I can only peep. No budget for now. Just admiring the window display. I feel and look like a butterfly wearing this poncho. lol! I only wear this in spring because it comes with a hood for the rainy days but it was cold and wet in Paris with only just this  on my b...


This is a scheduled post. I´m gone here. < source > Hope the sun stays up and  the clouds stay like this because the weather predicts a 60% chance of rainfall. Happy Easter, everyone! Are you having fun finding your easter eggs? ;)

One Last Look

Mr. Boots wants to say goodbye before he goes on hibernation. boots - local brand, floral dress - Bershka necklace - H&M floral bangle - Blanco cream blazer - Formula Joven, thrifted While the rest stays because they insist that they´re still trendy enough.What d´yah think? ;) I also wore the dress here and here . Yup, with the dreaded flip flops, but I had fun walking and I walked more than 20 kms. that day visiting lots of lovely places. :) Have a blessed weekend everyone!